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2003 Grants Awarded
- Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA. For general operating support $2,500.
- b.a.y. fund, San Francisco, CA. General operating support to help young people finish high school and become the first in their families to graduate from college. $10,000.
- Eastside College Preparatory School, East Palo Alto, CA. Student Scholarship fund. $10,000.
- Ethos, Inc., Portland, OR. General operating support for the Teaching Young Musicians Project. $10,000.
- GirlSource, San Francisco, CA. General operating support to provide meaninful work and leadership opportunities for urban, low-income young women ages 14-18. $10,000.
- Larkin Street Youth Services, San Francisco, CA. Support for the HIRE UP education and employment initiative for homeless and runaway youth. $10,000.
- Literary Arts, Portland, OR. To support the Writers In The Schools program. $5,000.
- The Oakland Public Library Foundation, Oakland, CA. To support renovation of the Children's Reading Room at the Main Library. $5,000.
- Oregon Trout, Portland, OR. Funding for the second year of a three year grant to support the continuation and expansion of the Salmon Watch(R) education program. $10,000.
- Saturday Academy, Portland, OR. To support high school apprenticeship positions for one year in the Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering (ASE) Program. $2,500.
2003 Discretionary Grants Awarded
- Cannon Beach Arts Association, Cannon Beach, OR. $1,000.
- Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women (Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc.), Los Angeles, CA. $1,000.
- Foothill DeAnza Community College Foundation (Krause Center for Innovation), Los Altos, CA. $1,000.
- People Assisting The Homeless (P.A.T.H.), Los Angeles, CA. $1,000.
- Saturday Academy, Portland, OR. $1,000.
- The Miracle Theatre Group, Portland, OR. $1,000.