How to Submit an LOI
Education focus only
Education focus only
Our grants management system will ask you for the information listed here. You can save drafts and come back into the grant system at a later time to complete your submission.
Typically about six weeks following the LOI deadline, the Foundation will notify you via email as to whether you are invited to participate in the next phase of the granting process. That notification will include deadlines and next steps.
- Grant amount requested.
- Staff description & organization size.
- A description of your request. Include a discussion of the factors that contribute to the need or opportunity for the project, the importance of the project for your organization and your constituency, and the level and nature of commitment of staff and board to the project.
- Links to news and/or accomplishments.
- Any religious affiliations or curriculum required for services.
- For project funding requests: A proposed project budget, identify line items that you are asking the Foundation to fund. For general operating support requests: State general operating support budget for the fiscal year for which you are requesting funds.
- List of funding sources: List of pending, committed, and declined sources of support as related to your request. Please include dollar amount of requests and/or support received by each funder's name.
Typically about six weeks following the LOI deadline, the Foundation will notify you via email as to whether you are invited to participate in the next phase of the granting process. That notification will include deadlines and next steps.